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If you want to have a quick tour of Chutney, a demonstration container could be launched locally.

Launch demonstration container

  1. Checkout chutney
  2. From the example directory, execute the command
        docker compose -f ./.docker/dev-docker-compose-demo.yml up -d
  3. Access the web interface in your browser with url http://localhost
  4. Log in with one of predefined user : reader, editor, executor or admin, with associated password like the user name capitalized
  5. Browse at your will the interface !!

What's in🔗

This demo Chutney instance has some scenarios and associated campaigns, showing SQL, JSON and XML processing, which could be played with.

SQL examples🔗

The service tested is Chutney itself.
Two scenarios are defined :

  • Check that there is some scenarios to execute
  • Check that last execution of every defined scenario is in success

A campaign grouping these two scenarios is defined.

JSON examples🔗

The service tested is SWAPI.
Two scenarios are defined :

  • Check that the root api list all available resources
  • Check that all people resources are valid against a local schema

A campaign grouping these two scenarios is defined.

XML examples🔗

The service tested is ARXIV.
Two scenarios are defined :

  • Check that there is some articles about software testing
  • Check that search response is valid against a local atom feed schema

A campaign grouping these two scenarios is defined.

Supervision bonus🔗

Besides the Chutney server service, the demonstration container starts two others services, which demonstrates how to do a supervision :

  • A monitoring system with time series which collects the Chutney server metrics. We chose Prometheus for this demo
  • An observability system with three sample dashboards. We chose Grafana for this demo

Access demonstration container supervision

  1. Access the web interface in your browser with url http://localhost:3000
  2. Log in as admin/admin and choose a new admin password
  3. Choose one of three dashboards available at http://localhost:3000/dashboards
  4. Additionnaly, the prometheus time series are shown at http://localhost:9090/tsdb-status