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Random values

Following functions help you generate random values.


String file()

Generate a file with a default size of 1kB, in the default OS temp directory. File name is prefixed with chutney

Returns :

  • The canonical path of the file

Examples :

SpEL : ${#generate.file()}

String file(int fileSize)

Generate a file with a size of n bytes, in the default OS temp directory. File name is prefix with chutney and maximum file size is 100MB (104857600 bytes).

Returns :

  • The canonical path of the file

Examples :

SpEL : ${#generate.file(42)}

String file(String destination, int fileSize)

Generate a file with a size of n bytes, with a specific path and filename. Maximum file size is 100MB (104857600 bytes).

Returns :

  • The canonical path of the file

Examples :

SpEL : ${#generate.file("/path/to/dest/file", 42)}


String id(String prefix, int length)

Generate a String with a given prefix and n random characters.

Returns :

  • The generated String

Examples :

SpEL : ${"prefix-", 6)} -> ex. output prefix-r4nd0m

String id(int length, String suffix)

Generate a String with n random characters and a given suffix.

Returns :

  • The generated String

Examples :

SpEL : ${, "-suffix")} -> ex. output r4nd0m-suffix

String id(String prefix, int length, String suffix)

Generate a String with a given prefix, n random characters and a given suffix.

Returns :

  • The generated String

Examples :

SpEL : ${"pre-", 6, "-suf")} -> ex. output pre-r4nd0m-suf


String randomInt(int bound)

Generate a random int value between 0 (included) and a given bound value (excluded) (i.e [0, bound[).

See Random.nextInt(int) for further details

Returns :

  • The random int value as a String

Examples :

SpEL : ${#generate.randomInt(42)}


String randomLong()

Generate a random long value.

See Random.nextLong() for further details

Returns :

  • The generated long value as a String

Examples :

SpEL : ${#generate.randomLong()}


String uuid()

Generates a unique identifier (UUID).

See UUID.uuid() for further details

Returns :

  • The UUID as a String

Examples :

SpEL without : ${T(java.util.UUID).randomUUID().toString()}

SpEL with : ${#generate.uuid()}