Browse implementations
About by
Selenium actions selecting an elements require a selector and specifying the selection type.
See Selenium by documentation for further details.
Chutney provides the following values :
- "id"
- "name"
- "className"
- "cssSelector"
- "xpath"
- "zk"
About ZK
ZK is an open source Java framework for building web and mobile apps.
When using ZK, element IDs are gerenated and managed by the framework. Thus, impossible to know beforehand.
But you can get HTML IDs by calling ZK at runtime with JS using the widget's ID.
So, Chutney provides it for you.
About web-driver
Most actions requires a web-driver
input. It's value comes from the output off the actions DriverInit or RemoteDriverInit.
So the most probable value for it would come from the execution context : ${#webDriver}
While required in a Chutney scenario, it is set by default using the Chutney Kotlin DSL so you don't need to provide it.
Performs a click on an element. Element is expected to be clickable.
and ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable() for further details.
It takes a screenshot in case of error.
Required | Name | Type | Default | Note |
* | web-driver |
String | ||
* | selector |
String | ||
* | by |
String | ||
wait |
Integer | 1 | seconds |
This action close the current window, quitting the browser if it's the last window currently open.
See WebDriver.close() for further details.
Required | Name | Type | Default |
* | web-driver |
String |
Driver init🔗
This action instantiate a webdriver
Firefox is the default browser and browser
input should be empty, but you should provide browserPath
For using IE, put "Internet Explorer" as browser
input, browserPath
is not required when using IE.
IE running options
IE runs with the following options :
- "AcceptInsecureCertificates": true
- "disable-popup-blocking": true
- "enablePersistentHover": true
- "ensureCleanSession": true
- "ignoreProtectedModeSettings": true
- "ignoreZoomSetting": false
- "introduceInstabilityByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings": true
- "javascriptEnabled": true
- "nativeEvents": true
- "unexpectedAlertBehaviour": "accept"
FF running options
FF runs with the following options :
- Headless: true
- Log level: FATAL
Required | Name | Type | Default | Accepted Value |
* | driverPath |
String | ||
* | browserPath |
String | ||
browser |
String | Firefox | Internet Explorer |
Name | Type |
webDriver |
WebDriver |
Finally action🔗
Performs the action Quit when the scenario ends.
This action load a new web page in the current browser window.
See WebDriver.get(String url) for further details.
Required | Name | Type | Note |
* | web-driver |
String | |
selector |
String | (Weird implemention) Used as a boolean. If null, the page is opened in current window. If not the page is opened in a new window | |
* | value |
String | The URL to load. Must be a fully qualified URL |
Name | Type | Note |
outputGet |
String | This value can be used to switch to this window using action SwitchTo. See WebDriver.getWindowHandle() for further details. |
Get attribute🔗
Get the value of the given attribute of the element.
See WebElement.getAttribute() for further details.
Required | Name | Type | Default | Note |
* | web-driver |
String | ||
* | selector |
String | ||
* | by |
String | ||
wait |
Integer | 1 | seconds | |
attribute |
String | "value" |
Name | Type |
outputAttributeValue |
String |
Get text🔗
This action returns the visible (i.e. not hidden by CSS) text of an element, including sub-elements.
See WebElement.getText() for further details.
Required | Name | Type | Default | Note |
* | web-driver |
String | ||
* | selector |
String | ||
* | by |
String | ||
wait |
Integer | 1 | seconds |
Name | Type | Note |
outputGetText |
String | Returns the value of attribute "value" when text is empty |
Hover and click🔗
Moves the mouse to the middle of the element then performs a click.
See Actions.moveToElement() and Click for further details.
Required | Name | Type | Default | Note |
* | web-driver |
String | ||
* | selector |
String | ||
* | by |
String | ||
wait |
Integer | 1 | seconds |
This action is not available with the Kotlin DSL since it is performed by default when the scenario ends.
This action quits the driver, closing every associated window.
See WebDriver.quit() for further details.
Required | Name | Type | Default |
* | web-driver |
String |
Remote driver init🔗
input values :
- "chrome"
- "internet explorer"
- "firefox"
Internet Explorer running options
IE runs with the following options :
- "AcceptInsecureCertificates": true
- "disable-popup-blocking": true
- "enablePersistentHover": true
- "ensureCleanSession": true
- "ignoreProtectedModeSettings": true
- "ignoreZoomSetting": false
- "introduceInstabilityByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings": true
- "javascriptEnabled": true
- "nativeEvents": true
- "unexpectedAlertBehaviour": "accept"
Firefox running options
Firefox runs with the following options :
- Headless: false
- Log level: FATAL
Chrome running options
Chrome runs with the following options :
- start-maximized: true
Required | Name | Type | Default | Note |
* | hub |
String | The URL of the remote Selenium Hub | |
browser |
String | firefox |
Name | Type |
webDriver |
WebDriver |
Finally action🔗
Performs the action Quit when the scenario ends.
Takes a screenshot, available in the execution report as a Base64 String.
See TakesScreenshot.getScreenshotAs()
and OutputType.BASE64 for further details.
Required | Name | Type |
* | web-driver |
String |
Scroll to🔗
Scroll the page to make the element visible and align to the top.
See Element.scrollIntoView() for further details.
Required | Name | Type | Default | Note |
* | web-driver |
String | ||
* | selector |
String | ||
* | by |
String | ||
wait |
Integer | 1 | seconds |
Send keys🔗
This action simulate typing into an element, which may set its value.
See WebElement.sendKeys()
Required | Name | Type | Default | Note |
* | web-driver |
String | ||
* | selector |
String | ||
* | by |
String | ||
* | value |
String | The value to type | |
wait |
Integer | 1 | seconds |
Set browser size🔗
This action set the size of the current window.
See WebDriver.Window.setSize() for further details.
Required | Name | Type | Default |
* | width |
Integer | |
* | height |
Integer |
Switch to🔗
By default it selects either the first frame on the page, or the main document when a page contains iframes.
See WebDriver.TargetLocator for further details.
accepted values :
- "Frame"
- "Popup"
- "Window"
- "AlertOk" (Switch to alert and click on the OK button)
- "AlertCancel" (Switch to alert and click on the Cancel button)
Required | Name | Type | Default | Note |
* | web-driver |
String | ||
* | selector |
String | ||
* | by |
String | ||
wait |
Integer | 1 | seconds | |
switchType |
String |
Name | Type |
outputSwitchTo |
This value can be used to switch to this element later. |
This action waits N seconds or until the expected conditions are met.
About value
Expected conditions can be combined.
Available values are :
- "elementToBeSelected"
- "elementToBeClickable"
- "frameToBeAvailableAndSwitchToIt"
- "invisibilityOfElementLocated"
- "visibilityOfElementLocated"
- "visibilityOfAllElementLocated"
- "presenceOfElementLocated"
- "presenceOfAllElementLocated"
- "and"
- "or"
- "not"
Required | Name | Type | Default | Note |
* | web-driver |
String | ||
* | selector |
String | ||
* | by |
String | ||
wait |
Integer | 1 | seconds | |
value |
String |