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Due to legacy naming, there might be confusion with Records, Rows, attributes Records.rows and Records.records and method like Records.getRows(), Records.rows() etc.
So read carefully this page.

Browse implementations


Most of the configuration is done on the target database.

  • Database URL:
    You should configure your target with the property jdbcUrl to provide the JDBC URL of your database.

  • Authentication:
    You can set target properties username and password if required.

  • Max fetch size:
    You can set the maximum fetch size using target property maxFetchSize (default to 1000).

  • Other configuration:
    In order to provide more configuration you should prefix all other target properties with dataSource.

    "name": "ghibli_movies_database",
    "url": "tcp://myoracle.db.server:1531/",
    "properties": {
        "jdbcUrl": "jdbc:oracle:thin:@myoracle.db.server:1531/ghibli_movies_service",
        "username": "myUsername",
        "password": "myPassword",
        "maxFetchSize": "100",
        "dataSource.driverClassName": "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver",
        "dataSource.maximumPoolSize": "5"

Logging results

You can configure the maximum number of results to print in the execution report.

  • For a global project scope, set the property chutney.actions.sql.max-logged-rows.
  • For a local step scope, use input value nbLoggedRow. This will override the value set by configuration.
Required Name Type Default Note
* target String
* statements List<String>
nbLoggedRow Integer 30 Maximum number of rows to log in execution report

This action outputs depends on wether you provided only one or many statements input.
See following sections for details about each case.

Outputs for one statement🔗

When you provide only one statement in input, the following outputs and operations using Rows and Row types are available.

Name Type Note
rows Rows
firstRow Row is an alias for rows.get(0)
affectedRows int for non SELECT statements


One Rows instance contains results for one statement. Following attributes and methods are available in SpEL :

  • count(): Returns the number of results from a SELECT statement.
    -> ${#rows.count()}

  • get(int index): Returns the row found at given index (starts at 0) or an empty row if not found
    -> ${#rows.get(42)}

  • get(String header): Returns a list of values (List<Object>) for one column's name
    -> ${#rows.get("TITLE")}

  • valuesOf(String... header): Returns a list of values (List<List<Object>>) for one or many column's name
    -> ${#rows.valuesOf("DIRECTOR", "TITLE")}

  • asMap(): Transforms the structure as a List<Map<String, Object>>
    Where Map<String, Object> represents a row, String is a header and Object an actual value
    -> ${#rows.asMap()}


A Row provides you access to a record values.

  • get(String header): Get the actual value (Object) by column's name
    -> ${#firstRow.get("TITLE")} or ${#rows.get(0).get("TITLE")}

  • get(int index): Get the actual value (Object) by column's index
    -> ${#firstRow.get(4)} or ${#rows.get(0).get(4)}


Here is an example based one the following table :

1 "Castle in the Sky" 1986-08-02 78 "Hayao Miyazaki"
2 "Grave of the Fireflies" 1988-04-16 94 "Isao Takahata"
3 "My Neighbor Totoro" 1988-04-16 86 "Hayao Miyazaki"
    target = "ghibli_movies_database",
    statements = listOf(
        "SELECT * FROM movies WHERE rating > 85" // (1)
    nbLoggedRow = 5, // (2)
    outputs = mapOf(
        "numberOfBest" to "rows.count()".spEL(), // (3)
        "bestMoviesTitles" to "rows.get(\"TITLE\")".spEL() // (4)
  1. statements has only one entry, so outputs rows and firstRow are available but recordResult is not
  2. Will locally override configuration chutney.actions.sql.max-logged-rows
  3. Expected result is 2
  4. Expected result is ["Grave of the Fireflies", "My Neighbor Totoro"]

Outputs for many statements🔗

When you provide more than one statement in input, you get a Records for each statement.

Name Type Note
recordResult List<Records> Each Records in the list contains the resulting records of one statement


One Records instance contains results for one statement and provides methods to retrieve and search them.
Records is different from Rows type, but you can convert it using the rows() method.

Following attributes and methods are available in SpEL :

  • affectedRows: Returns the number of affected rows. This is useful for INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements
    -> ${#recordResult.get(42).affectedRows}

  • count(): Returns the number of results from a SELECT statement.
    -> ${#recordResult.get(42).count()}

  • headers: Returns the list of columns names (List< String >)
    -> ${#recordResult.get(42).headers}

  • rows(): Converts this Records to the wrapper type Rows. This may be recommended for easier use
    -> ${#recordResult.get(42).rows()}

  • records: The list of Row. While useful, it is recommended to use rows() instead
    -> ${#recordResult.get(42).records}

  • row(int index): Get the Row at provided index.
    -> ${#recordResult.get(42).row(1337)} equivalent to ${#recordResult.get(42).records.get(1337)}


Here is an example based one the following table :

1 "Castle in the Sky" 1986-08-02 78 "Hayao Miyazaki"
2 "Grave of the Fireflies" 1988-04-16 94 "Isao Takahata"
3 "My Neighbor Totoro" 1988-04-16 86 "Hayao Miyazaki"
    target = "ghibli_movies_database",
    statements = listOf(
        "SELECT * FROM movies WHERE rating > 90", // (1)
        "SELECT * FROM movies WHERE rating < 90"
    nbLoggedRow = 5, // (2)
    outputs = mapOf(
        "numberOfBest" to "recordResult.get(0).rows.count()".spEL(), // (3)
        "bestMoviesTitles" to "recordResult.get(0).get(\"TITLE\")".spEL() // (4)
        "numberOfWorst" to "recordResult.get(1).count()".spEL(), // (5)
        "worstMoviesTitles" to "recordResult.get(1).get(\"TITLE\")".spEL() // (6)
  1. statements has two queries, so only the output recordResult is available
  2. Will locally override configuration chutney.actions.sql.max-logged-rows
  3. Get the result for the 1st query, expected output is 1
  4. Expected output is ["Grave of the Fireflies"]
  5. Get the result for the 2nd query, expected output is 2
  6. Expected output is ["My Neighbor Totoro", "Castle in the Sky"]