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Custom function

When you need a custom function which is not provided by Chutney, you can implement it and load it to your chutney server.


  • Create a new java class.
  • Declare a static method and implement it.
  • Annotate it with @SpelFunction.


Method overloading does not work with SpEL.

    package my.custom.package;

    import com.chutneytesting.action.spi.SpelFunction;
    import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

    public class MyCustomFunctions {

        public static int stringSum(String a, String b) {
            int right = StringUtils.isNoneBlank(a) ? Integer.valueOf(a) : 0;
            int left = StringUtils.isNoneBlank(b) ? Integer.valueOf(b) : 0;
            return left + right;


  1. Declare your custom actions full class names inside the file META-INF/extension/chutney.functions.


  2. Add your custom functions' code and meta file in the classpath of a Chutney engine.

    Custom function starting server debug log

    Check your server log, you will see something like

    [main] DEBUG c.c.e.d.e.evaluation.SpelFunctions - Loading function: stringSum (MyCustomFunctions)

Add custom functions to an already packaged Chutney server

  1. Package a JAR archive with your custom functions and associated meta file.
  2. Use the loader.path Java system properties to add your archive to classpath.


Call your custom function from your Kotlin scenario.

    import com.chutneytesting.kotlin.dsl.AssertAction
    import com.chutneytesting.kotlin.dsl.Scenario

    val my_scenario = Scenario(title = "my scenario") {
        When("I test my string sum function") {
                asserts = listOf(
                    "stringSum('1', '2') == 3".spEL(),
                    "stringSum('1', null) == 1".spEL(),
                    "stringSum(null, '2') == 2".spEL(),
                    "stringSum(null, null) == 0".spEL(),