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A Chutney scenario is a succession of named steps with a simple goal, asserting an expected behavior of a given system.

A Chutney Step could be of two flavors :

  • A purely functional step grouping others child steps, allowing to abstract business requirements and structure functional clarity.
  • A technical step describing a concrete action.

In order to write a scenario, you also need to declare environments and services you want to test.

Define a test environment🔗

Declare a target🔗

Under src/main/kotlin create a package (ex. com.chutneytesting.getstart) and create a Kotlin file (ex. Environments.kt) with the following content :

package com.chutneytesting.getstart

import com.chutneytesting.kotlin.dsl.ChutneyTarget

val google = ChutneyTarget(
        name = "search_engine",
        url = ""
  • The target name search_engine is used as a reference in your scenarios
  • The google variable is a reference to set a target in an environment

Declare an environment🔗

Now you can declare an environment within the same file, add the following content :

val environment = ChutneyEnvironment(
        name = "The World Wide Web",
        description = "The World Wide Web",
        targets = listOf(
  • We reference the target google using the variable name.
  • The environment name and description can be anything meaningful to you. The name will be shown in the execution report.
  • The variable name environment is a reference to set the environment on running tests

Define a test environment (alternative)🔗

There is another way to declare environments and targets by using JSON files.

Create a folder .chutney/environments in your project root folder.
Then, create a file environment.json with the following content :

    "name" : "World Wide Web",
    "description" : "The World Wide Web",
    "targets": [
            "name" : "search_engine",
            "url" : ""

An environment is already defined on your Chutney server?

If you have already defined an environment on your Chutney server, you can import it by calling synchroniseLocal function of EnvironmentSynchronizeService:

    import EnvironmentSynchronizeService
    import com.chutneytesting.kotlin.util.ChutneyServerInfo

    fun main() {
        val chutneyLocalServer = ChutneyServerInfo(
            remoteServerUrl = "https://localhost:8081",
            remoteUserName = "admin",
            remoteUserPassword = "admin"

        val environmentSynchronizeService = EnvironmentSynchronizeService()

        environmentSynchronizeService.synchroniseLocal(serverInfo = chutneyLocalServer)
synchroniseLocal function parameters:

name type Required default description
serverInfo ChutneyServerInfo * holds needed information to connect to chutney server
environmentsPath String .chutney/environments where to save the imported environments
force Boolean false if true, locally existing environments files will be overridden.
Else they will be kept unchanged

Write a scenario🔗

Under src/main/kotlin, in the same package or another, create a Kotlin file (ex. Scenarios.kt) with the following content :

package com.chutneytesting.getstart

import com.chutneytesting.kotlin.dsl.HttpGetAction
import com.chutneytesting.kotlin.dsl.Scenario
import com.chutneytesting.kotlin.dsl.SuccessAction
import com.chutneytesting.kotlin.dsl.spEL

val search_scenario = Scenario(title = "Search documents") {
    When("I visit a search engine") {
                target = "search_engine",
                uri = "/",
                validations = mapOf("request accepted" to "status == 200".spEL())
    Then("I am on the front page") {
  • The scenario title Search documents will be shown in the execution report.
  • There are 2 steps When I visit a search engine and Then I am on the front page
  • The first step will execute an HTTP GET call on the target name search_engine on the uri /
    • It also has one validation request accepted to check the response code status is 200.
  • The second step does nothing meaningful in this example

Et voilà !

You have successfully setup and written your first scenario using Chutney.
Now, you will see how to run it !